Lin germinated: a unique source of Omega 3, Omega 6 and Lignans
The organic sprouted Lin powder is the alternative to fish oil and non-organic flax products. The SFB laboratories are pioneers in the field and their team of researchers has developed a number of patents on germination, drying and milling sprouts.
There is no longer any doubt that flax is an exceptional source of nutrition, more gluten free. However, it is very difficult to digest. Flax seeds contain, in fact, natural inhibitors that prevent the body to take advantage of its nutrients.
The process of germination SFB laboratories stabilizes essential fatty acids from flax. A first for a flax oil or ground flax product. The germination process has also shown an increase in enzymes, vitamins and minerals. All of these are kept for our process drying or milling.
Organic sprouted flaxseed is the healthiest alternative to fish oil and flaxseed oil. Sprouted Flax is the best natural source of Omega 3 fatty acids 1 tablespoon a day is enough to provide 2,400 mg of Omega 3.
A sprinkle on your food preferably 1 to 2 tablespoons per day.
Ingredients 1 tablespoon (8 g) sprouted flax powder 8 g.
Lactose free, gluten free, suitable for vegetarians.
Pot white plastic.
Net Weight: 250 g (powder)
Organic Certified by Bureau Veritas Certification France - FR-BIO-10
Non-EU Agriculture.
Non-deliverable in Belgium
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